Our Claire "Clarence"

Created by Alan 8 years ago
There are not enough words to describe the Clarence I know, she was a wife, mother, nanny, daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, auntie, friend (anybody I have left off apologies), and she gave everyone of us as much love as she could, only asking for us to love her back which was the easiest thing to do. Claire became unwell just over 8 years ago, diagnosed with cardiomyopathy following a heart attack in 2007. Each year she very slowly deteriorated, three years ago I gave up work to look after her, lots of people have said what a great job I had done to help extend her time with us, thank you very much but to be honest Clarence made it very easy for me. She woke up everyday the last 8 years and whatever the day threw at her she faced it and got on with it, never saying why me, uncomplaining, brave and dignified. She gave us so much joy and happiness, you couldn't help but smile when you saw her. The last 3 months had been tough on my dear Clarence, in truth she had had enough, but even during this period and the last five weeks before she passed away, she was quite poorly during these weeks, she showed an amazing amount of strength and dignity. Her time had gone on longer than she wanted and she went through things she never wanted to go through, but she held her head up high, I'm so proud of her as should everybody who new her. Her struggles are over and she is at peace. She will be missed, I will never forget her and this tribute page is just the start of keeping her memory alive.