Things I Remember and Miss

Created by Alan 6 years ago

1) Her smile and her laughter.

2) Her cuddles, everyone who knew her and had received a cuddle from her knew it was warm and heart felt.

3) The way she made me feel that i was the most important person in the world, i knew she loved me just by the way she looked at me, you only have to look at the photos of us together to see that.

4) Her Strength, her dignity, even at the worst times of her life. She truly puts us all to shame.

5) Playfully throwing herself at the bottom of the stairs like a little girl, if she didn’t get what she wanted or lost at a game.

6) Our Holidays in San Pedro, it truly was a special place for us, where we could just forget about things going on at home. Claire loved the sun, try dragging her out of it.

7) Her sense of humour, right up to the last week of her life, it was dry, quirky, wicked.

8) The love she had for her children and later her grandchildren, and the joy she got from knitting baby clothes for them, her favorite hobby.

9) Never understood this one but her utter dislike of buttons, strange as her hobby was knitting clothes that required buttons. Doubly strange as she didn’t fear much, she would give anything ago, absailing, diving, windsurfing, jet skiing to name just a few.

10) Her legendary lemon cake and cheese cake, I have made them since losing her, but they are not the same, as is my life now without my Clarence.